Wednesday 8 February 2017

Erwin Fiebig | Cómo ganar dinero por marketing digital

¿Está buscando una fuente para su segundo ingreso
para combatir esta inflación? Hay miles de personas que están buscando
diariamente medios para ganar dinero en línea a través de Internet y hay lakhs
de páginas (literalmente) para describir diferentes técnicas para ganar dinero
utilizando técnicas de marketing en Internet. Usted puede tener un trabajo bien
pagado, pero ¿qué pasa si usted puede ganar unos pocos dólares adicionales cada
mes que también con las habilidades y conocimientos que ya tiene.

Permítanme ser muy claro, no hay atajos y dinero rápido, usted tendrá que poner en su tiempo y esfuerzos en los medios de comunicación en línea también. Listo? Estoy compartiendo algunas formas de ganar dinero en Internet y seguro que son formas "legítimas" de ganar dinero en línea

1. Inicie un sitio web o un blog

Comience a escribir sobre temas de su interés. Hay toneladas
y lakhs de personas que buscan información en línea y están buscando
activamente contenido para consumir. Comience a escribir regularmente en su
sitio web o blog. Puede monetizar su sitio web empezando a anunciarse. Utilice
redes de anuncios como Google AdSense, BuySellAds y Bidvertiser. Una vez que
tenga una cantidad considerable de tráfico en su blog, puede incluso vender sus
propios anuncios directamente a través de Google DFP.

2. Boletines informativos

Inicie su propio boletín de noticias. Deje que la gente se
suscriba a su boletín de noticias y obtener actualizaciones e información.
Puede encontrar patrocinadores o usar un modelo de suscripción (la gente paga
una tarifa para recibir su boletín) para comenzar a ganar dinero con el boletín

3. YouTube

Crea un canal de YouTube. YouTube no sólo es una gran fuente de videos, sino que también es el segundo motor de búsqueda más utilizado. YouTube tiene 490 millones de usuarios únicos en todo el mundo por mes, estimado en 92 mil millones de páginas vistas cada mes. YouTube a través de AdSense comparte los ingresos generados a través de vídeos de YouTube con la persona que lo subió. Cuantas más vistas su video obtiene más los dólares que gana. Cree vídeos atractivos, entretenidos y basados ​​en el conocimiento de YouTube y carguelos en su propio canal de YouTube.

4. Vender en línea

Hacer algo agradable como velas, bolsos, carteras, etc y venderlos en línea en sitios web de mercado como eBay, Amazon y SnapDeal

5. Vender libros y libros electrónicos

Si puedes escribir bien y escribir un libro y publicarlo en la tienda Kindle, Google Play e iBooks. También puede vender libros electrónicos en eBay y Amazon también.

6. ¿Conoces la codificación?

Crear una cuenta en sitios web como, como freelancer y ofrecer sus servicios. Hay miles de proyectos abiertos para hacer una oferta y recibir pago por sus habilidades de codificación, diseño y desarrollo.

7. Crear aplicaciones para móviles

Como los teléfonos inteligentes están ganando popularidad en desarrollo y la venta de su propia aplicación de smartphone se está convirtiendo en una manera lucrativa de ganar dinero en Internet. Desarrollar una aplicación requiere un poco de dinero y no implica gastos de envío. Usted puede disfrutar de los mejores márgenes de beneficio.

8. Programas de afiliados.

Hay negocios que le pagan por los clientes que se refieren de manera similar hay sitios web que le pagan comisiones o honorarios de afiliados por referir a un cliente. Si pudiera referir a alguien que hace una compra en Amazon, amazon a través de su programa de afiliados le pagará una cierta cantidad de comisión. Este es el programa de afiliados de Amazon. Del mismo modo usted puede ganar a través de eBay, FlipKart. Puede utilizar Vigilink, ShareASale, Commission Junction o LinkShare para conocer los distintos proveedores que ofrecen programas de afiliación.

9. Vender fotos en línea

Puedes vender fotos en línea y ganar un buen dinero a través de sitios web como iStock Photo, SmugMug, Colección Flickr, etc. Puedes vender tus imágenes a través de iStock Photo y obtener una tasa de regalías del 15% por cada descarga. Gana hasta un 45%.

10. Vender artículos no utilizados en línea.

Vende artículos que ya no usas como libros, muebles, otros artículos para el hogar en sitios web como eBay, Craiglist o OLX.

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Erwin Fiebig | Tech toys are great  if the children play too

Sunday morning saw me up early to try out an interesting new tech toy. It is called Cubetto, comes from a London start-up and is a beautifully made kit to introduce children from the age of three to computer coding.

“Teach your child to code before they can read,” Cubetto’s publicity proclaims. One of the key investors is Randi Zuckerberg, sister of Mark. Made mostly of wood, Cubetto has already won a top British toy award and follows Montessori’s early learning principles.
I was intrigued to see if Cubetto could, as promised, teach me “a host of programming concepts, including algorithms, the queue, debugging and recursions”. I gave up after 30 minutes. It was instruction number seven, on “subroutines”, that did for me. Perhaps I am stupid but, as far as I could tell, it made no sense at all. That said, I made Cubetto work and I could see the principle behind it. Using coloured blocks, you input a string of commands to send a 10cm by 7cm wheeled cuboid — with a face — trundling ahead, left and right.
I am sure it will stimulate some brilliant three-year-olds but it was one of the dullest toys I have seen.
Worthy, tasteful wooden educational toys rarely impress children and Cubetto is as heart-sinkingly disappointing as any. It is not gaudy enough, not plasticky enough and not loud enough. Read More......

Erwin Fiebig | Google creates new self-driving car company

Google is putting its self-driving car technology into a new company which it will call Waymo, the firm has announced.
The new business, Waymo, will be owned by Google’s parent company, Alphabet.
It signals a push to commercialise the technology which Google has been developing for more than 10 years.
At a media event, the company showed the story of a blind man who was able to make a full trip using a prototype self-driving car.
The trip happened in 2015, but the company spoke about it for the first time on Tuesday.

Steve Mahan rode alone in one of our prototype vehicles, cruising through Austin’s suburbs,” wrote Google’s John Krafcik.
"Steve is legally blind, so our sensors and software were his chauffeur."
Speaking about the formation of the new company, Mr Krafcik said: "We believe that this technology can begin to reshape some of the ten trillion miles that motor vehicles travel around the world every year, with safer, more efficient and more accessible forms of transport."
Mr Krafcik will become Waymo’s chief executive. Read More.... 

Erwin Fiebig | The Future of Technology: 2050

Donald Prell is the founder of Datamation magazine – the publication you’re now reading – which he launched in 1957. We invited him to use his long grasp of tech history to predict how today’s technology will impact human life many years from now.

As a futurologist, I have been asked to present my scenarios/predictions for the future of the computer and information industry in 2050. At the age of 92, it isn’t possible that I’ll ever know how it actually plays out.  In 1964, the author of “2001: A Space Odyssey,” Sir Arthur Charles Clarke, was interviewed on the BBC television program Horizon. In addition to forecasting what life would be like in 50 years, he warned the audience:

"Trying to predict the future is a discouraging, hazardous occupation because  the prophet invariably  falls  between  two stools.  If his predictions  sound at  all  reasonable,  you  can be quite sure  that  in 20 or  at most  50 years the progress of science and  technology has made him seem  ridiculously  conservative. On the other hand, if by some miracle a prophet could describe the future  exactly  as it was going to take  place,  his  predictions  would  sound  so absurd,  so far-fetched  that   everyone  would laugh him to scorn. This has proved to be true in  the  past and  it  will undoubtedly  be  even more in  the  century to come. The  only thing we can  be sure  of  about  the future  is that it will  be absolutely fantastic.  So if  what I say now  seems to you to be reasonable then I will have failed completely. Only if what I tell you appears absolutely unbelievable  will we have chance  of  visualizing  the  future as  it  really will happen.” Read More........

Erwin Fiebig | 5 Technologies that Should Make You Money in 2017

Let’s assume that someone gave you $5M to invest in technology start-ups. Pretend for a moment that you’re an Angel investor or a venture capitalist with checks to attract passionate entrepreneurs. How should you spend the money?
There are five technology clusters that should attract your cash. The 5 clusters clamoring for money in 2017 and beyond appear below. Note the $’s: the more the better.

  • Intelligent Systems Technology ($$$$$)
  • Interaction Technology ($$$$)
  • Small Software Technology ($$$)
  • Sensor Analytics Technology ($$$)
  • Cyber Security Technology ($$$)
Intelligent Systems Technology
Artificial intelligence (AI) is now embedded in a wide array of software applications, infrastructures, business rules, processes and even whole business models. IBM’s Watson is the face of popular “AI,” but intelligent systems technology encompasses so much more including deductive and inductive inference, deep learning, machine learning and the tools and techniques used to represent and process data, information and knowledge (such as neural network modeling) as well as the applications of the technology to a host of problems.   Read More.....,

Erwin Fiebig | Teens love technology, but does it have consequences?

By the 1940s, most Americans had a telephone in their home, but for some, concerns about phones making people rude were huge. When inviting someone to a party, it was etiquette to send a written invite.  With a phone, people found it easier to just call.

Answering the phone properly was even up for scrutiny.  In fact, no one should have answered the phone with a simple "hello," but instead it was important to many that one introduced themselves when first speaking.
A lot of things in the world have changed since then.  If calling someone for an invite was rude in the 1940s, we wonder what they would have thought of apps like e-vite.  Sadly, technology has made some people more rude, disrespectful and even careless.